The products by Yves Rocher brand are unique and it is not by chance that they bear the name of their founder.  Mr. Yves Rocher was an outstanding person, a visionary and innovator who made a real breakthrough in the field of skin care with green cosmeticals.    

The brand was founded in La Gacilly in 1959. It is in his native town where Yves Rocher created his first products on the basis of plants. Today, 57 years later from the time of foundation of the brand, the green cosmetics by Yves Rocher can be rightly called innovative that is way ahead of its time: every day more than 150 scientists with specializations in different fields of science of plants and skin work at its skin care products.

Yves Rocher brand is the only cosmetics brand in the world that manages the overall life cycle of its products without any intermediaries: from a plant to a customer’s skin. The scientific experts travel incessantly all over the world in search of unique components, discover and study new kinds of plants, identify their exceptional qualities and then cultivate them in the fields of their own in La Gacilly.

All the formulas of the products are elaborated in the research laboratories of Yves Rocher brand and the products themselves are manufactured in the brands’ factories and are sold through their own distribution channels: boutiques, Internet, and postal catalogues. Such closed and innovative economical model allows Yves Rocher to control fully the overall production process and fix affordable prices for each customer without prejudice to the quality of the products.


First floor


Daily 10:00-22:00


+38 (099) 947-73-75



yves rocher 2 in FontanSky


logoFontan Sky center —улюблені магазини, смачні ресторани, яскраві розваги і не менше 420 000 задоволених відвідувачів щомісяця

Наші контакти

65012, г. Одеса, провулок Семафорний, 4

Щодня с 10:00 до 21:00


(099) 032 54 42

